Matlock Ghost Emporium

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Maiden of the Hallowed Lights

Princess Aurora of the ancient Askerkrue dynasty enchanted her Nordic people with youthful optimism and reverence nurturing the endless winter months where weaker souls succumbed lamenting sunlight’s brevity through long hollow eves. While sheltered sister royals indulged vain gallantries within their gilded snow-locked castle, defiant Aurora gleefully snuck far beyond crenelated parapets into the pristine backcountry on moonlit nights when colors danced haunting across familiar constellations. There she practiced ceremonial songs passed secretly from Sami tribeswomen since the bloodline’s mythic origins.

These Aboriginal northern cousins recognized in spirited Aurora the resurgence of ancient powers predating her Christian lineage of raiders and feudal dynasties erected upon pagan holy sites without comprehending their deeper humors still slumbering below the bedrock. Though crowned Scandinavian nobility now for seven generations, flowing through Aurora’s veins coursed yet still older magics kindled by forces vastly exceeding transient crown decrees or church sanctions against mystical communion. Fate itself seemed to chart Aurora’s unorthodox trajectory even as it foretold political unrest on her family’s horizon from declining loyalists.

Sheltered in private Aurora studied forbidden archives of star movements, seeking hidden patterns she felt certain controlled the colorful auroral curtain displays which her ancestors beheld as bridges spanning mortal and gods’ realm. Nights when solar storms unleashed rainbows jittering across the heavens, Aurora would slip past oblivious guards mesmerized by her own celestial orchestra conducting energy fluxes beyond worldly orchestras. Deep in the mist-shrouded Vejlefjord bogs joining sea and sky, she swirled wearing gossamer boreal green gowns discarding restrictive ermine cloaks. Outstretched hands called down the Northern Lights until they brightly blanketed the still land to Aurora's delight like diaspora welcoming lost cousins.

But fate and hubris collect their due from mortals who dare channel forces primeval far predating fleeting mankind’s epoch of structures built then abandoned upon Earth’s face. Princesses rank equally when crossing the Rubicon into eternity’s tempest without permissions hard-won. One bitter solstice eve as enemies massed beyond Askerkrue borders, headstrong Aurora felt certain a masterful display of sky magics could awaken old gods to scatter invaders through divine awe. Slipping past even shaman allies insistently warning what young Aurora planned constituted grave transgression against the natural order, she drank a frosted vial of hallucinogenic lichen distilled to open deeper cosmic channels.

Soon astral torrents of shimmering light swallowed rational sight as hypnotic rhythms claimed muscle and marrow both while Aurora’s laughing silhouette distorted painfully upwards, writhing in exultation and shock. Blinding starbursts fractured across the night dome’s obsidian curve...pulsing...threatening to immolate delicate human vessels uninvited in their effulgent throes of passion. Just before white-hot oblivion engulfed her senses utterly, Aurora glimpsed a colossal feminine auroral figure wielding the fury of suns gesturing from within the heart of the gathered storm. Then the once-princess collapsed forward into numbing drifts from fate’s forced exile beyond mortal concerns.

When searchers unearthed her slender remains two moons later, all royal holdings and records of mysterious Princess Aurora disappeared under Vatican warrants declaring by royal error the Askerkrue lineage had died out. But Sami tribes sleeping nearest ancient stone circles whisper of a radiant feminine form emerging when brilliant flares ignite polar skies. Legends say on such nights one finds shapes and runic letters melting unnaturally into glaciers and lichen where her footsteps gracefully trod past. Some who witness the dazzling auroral dance hallucinate melodies and scent strange mint blooms. Whether pagan goddess returned or tragic royal undone pride, the northern lights shine hallowed as Aurora’s spirit endures paying infinite tithe for glimpsing eternity unshielded. Not all visions prove wise to pursue when beckoning seductively from realms forbidden yet never fully forgotten while bloodlines persist shaping fragile history.