Contact Us

Matlock Ghost Emporium
Unit 405, Via Gellia Mill
Via Gellia Road

What 3 Word Location

Opening Times

Monday - Closed
Tuesday - Closed
Wednesday - 11-5
Thursday - 11 - 5
Friday - 11 - 5
Saturday - 11 - 5
Sunday - 11 - 5



Get in touch.

If our resident phantom raven messengers fly too languidly bearing correspondence through midnight ether toward the manor, please enlist our electronic spirit post for more timely transmissions of spectral and earthly matters alike!

Manifest important words into the phantom envelope portal below; mystical currents instantly dispatch the ciphered missive unto my scrying archives or drawing room pronto for swift deciphering and response.

This metaphysical system bypasses obstructing mortal static and whispering poltergeists intruding on sensitive communication channels. Simply carve thoughts and spectral appeals using the digitized implement provided.

Our dedicated astral servers and incorporeal secretary ensure secured ghostly reply by pale of moon or hasty crow's call. Let the haunted airwaves flow freely without concern for limits or barriers temporal!