Matlock Ghost Emporium Events

Unsolved mysteries and elusive answers await those intrepid enough to go phantom hunting with Matlock Ghost Emporium!

Under the cloak of darkness, we gain access to famously haunted venues normally off limits and closed to the general public during the late night hours when paranormal activity is most likely.

Alongside experienced spirit investigators, you'll get hands-on chances using an array of ghost-detecting tools and ancient rituals to analyze—and possibly make direct contact with —the lingering lost souls, apparitions, and assorted poltergeists rumored to haunt these places.

EMF meters rapidly engaging, disembodied whispers swirl around digital recorders. Strangely altered photos reveal uncanny faces and silhouettes the naked eye cannot perceive...The ghastly signs slowly accumulate. Join us “behind the veil" decoding messages never meant for living ears!

Perhaps your key piece of evidence may finally unravel baffling centuries-old homicides or identify that elusive presence still screaming in the darkness long after the living world ceased listening. Destiny and the departed conspire to unseal long buried truths when the moon rises over the most phantasm-filled hotspots in Matlock county!

Just don't meander the shadowy halls alone, lest the phenomena seek to single you out for more...intimate company. Not all spirits rest peacefully when darkness reigns outside of the grave... Will your quest for forbidden wisdom awaken restless forces as well? Destination: eternity awaits discovery!