Doodle, the Living Sketchbook

In the heart of London, amidst the buildings and the ceaseless hum of urban life, a unique spirit named Doodle drifted through the crowds. Unlike other ghosts, Doodle's form was not fixed or defined. They were a blank canvas, a spectral being made of pure white essence, their surface a constantly shifting tapestry of intricate doodles.

Each doodle told a story, a fleeting impression of the world as Doodle experienced it. A child's laughter might blossom into a playful swirl of colors or vibrant flowers. At the same time, a moment of sadness could manifest as a somber charcoal sketch. The city's vibrant energy pulsed through Doodle's form, leaving behind a trail of intricate patterns and whimsical designs.

Doodle was an artist; their very existence was a testament to the power of creativity and the beauty of the human experience. They wandered the streets, their senses attuned to the subtle nuances of the world around them. A chance encounter with a street musician might inspire a symphony of musical notes. At the same time, a quiet moment in a park could evoke a delicate landscape of flowers and trees.

One day, as Doodle drifted through a crowded market, he noticed a young woman alone sketching in a worn leather-bound notebook. Her eyes sparkled with concentration as her pencil danced across the page, capturing the essence of the bustling scene.

Doodle, drawn to her creative energy, floated closer, their form rippling with curiosity. The woman, sensing a presence, looked up, her eyes widening in surprise as she beheld the spectral figure before her.

"Who are you?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

Doodle smiled, their form shifting into a playful self-portrait. "I am Doodle," they replied, their voice a gentle breeze. "I am an artist, just like you."

The woman was intrigued and invited Doodle to join her where she sat. They spent the afternoon sketching together, her pencils capturing the vibrant energy of the market and Doodle's form evolving into new and stunning shapes. As they worked, a deep connection formed between them, a shared understanding of the world and the power of art to express its beauty and complexity.

The woman, Anya, became Doodle's first true friend. She saw beyond his spectral form, recognizing the depth and sensitivity of his artistic soul. Together, they explored the city, their shared experiences leaving a lasting impression on Doodle's ever-evolving canvas.

Anya's laughter bloomed into vibrant flowers, and her tears transformed into delicate raindrops. The city's hidden corners, bustling streets, and quiet parks all found their way onto Doodle's form, creating a mesmerizing tapestry of urban life.

But Doodle's journey was not confined to the city. He longed to experience the world beyond the concrete jungle, to once again experience the vastness of nature and the diversity of people.

Anya's encouragement gave Doodle the courage to embark on a grand adventure, his spectral form being carried on the winds of change. He traveled to distant lands, his canvas reflecting the vibrant colors of exotic landscapes and the unique patterns of ancient civilizations.

Doodle swam through coral reefs, his form shimmering with the iridescent hues of tropical fish and the beauty of the coral reefs. He soared through mountain ranges, his essence echoing the majesty of snow-capped peaks. And they danced beneath the aurora borealis, their canvas ablaze with celestial light.

With each new experience, Doodle's form grew richer and more exciting, and his story more complex. He became a living sketchbook, a testament to the beauty and wonder of the world.

But Doodle's journey was not without its challenges. He witnessed the darkness that lurked in the hearts of humanity and the pain and suffering the living inflicted on the world. These experiences left their mark on Doodle's form, with dark shadows and jagged lines intertwining with his vibrant colors and playful patterns.

Yet, through it all, Doodle remained a beacon of hope, his spirit unwavering in its belief in the power of art and the resilience of the human spirit. He continued to collect memories and impressions, their form an ever-existing tapestry of the full spectrum of human experience.

And as Doodle's journey continued, their legend grew. People from all walks of life were drawn to their unique beauty and the profound messages hidden within their ever-changing canvas. They became a symbol of hope, a reminder that even in the darkest times, there is always beauty to be found and a story to be told.

Professor Ravenwood

Professor Barnabas Ravenwood descends from a venerable lineage of occultists, scholars, and collectors of arcane artifacts and lore. He was born and raised in the sprawling gothic Ravenwood Manor on the outskirts of Matlock, which has been in his family's possession for seven generations.


The Lost Love


Bloodthorne, Guardian of the Graveyard