The Mechanical Maiden

In the heart of Victorian London, nestled amidst the labyrinthine alleyways and smog-choked streets, lay a forgotten workshop. Its windows were boarded up, its iron gates rusted shut, and its chimney stood silent, a monument to a bygone era of innovation and ingenuity.

Within this workshop, a spectral presence lingered, a remnant of a life cut short by a tragic accident. This was the spirit of Evelyn Lancaster, a brilliant inventor whose passion for all things mechanical had burned brighter than any furnace.

Evelyn had been a visionary, her mind overflowing with ideas for contraptions that could revolutionize the world. She spent countless hours in her workshop, surrounded by blueprints, gears, and tools, her hands blackened with grease, her eyes sparkling with determination.

Her most ambitious project was a time-traveling device, a marvel of engineering that could transport a person through the corridors of history. She had dedicated years of her life to this endeavour, pouring her heart and soul into its creation. But fate had other plans.

On a fateful night, as Evelyn conducted a final test of her time machine, a catastrophic steam engine explosion ripped through her workshop, claiming her life and leaving her dreams in ruins. Her spirit, however, refused to depart.

Bound to the workshop by an unyielding love for her creations, Evelyn's spirit remained, her essence intertwined with the very fabric of the building. She became the Mechanical Maiden, a spectral guardian of her legacy, watching over her inventions and waiting for someone to carry on her work.

Years passed, and the workshop fell into disrepair. It was forgotten by the world, its secrets hidden behind layers of dust and decay. But fate, it seemed, had not forgotten Evelyn Lancaster.

One day, a young apprentice named Thomas Ashton stumbled upon the abandoned workshop. Drawn by an insatiable curiosity and a love for all things mechanical, Thomas ventured inside, his heart pounding with anticipation.

As he explored the workshop, he discovered Evelyn's blueprints, her meticulous sketches and intricate diagrams detailing the inner workings of her time machine. Thomas, his mind ablaze with excitement, vowed to finish what Evelyn had started.

The Mechanical Maiden, witnessing Thomas's passion and determination, revealed herself to him. She guided his hands, whispered secrets of forgotten science, and shared her knowledge of the intricacies of time travel.

Together, they worked tirelessly, their minds united in a shared vision. They scavenged for parts, repaired broken machinery, and pieced together the fragments of Evelyn's dream.

As the time machine neared completion, the bond between Thomas and the Mechanical Maiden deepened. He learned of her tragic past, her unfulfilled dreams, and her unwavering belief in the power of human ingenuity. He saw in her a kindred spirit, a fellow dreamer who refused to let adversity extinguish her passion.

Finally, the day arrived for the time machine's maiden voyage. Thomas, with the Mechanical Maiden by his side, stepped into the contraption, his heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and trepidation.

As the gears whirred and the steam hissed, the time machine roared to life, its energy crackling through the air. In a blinding flash of light, they vanished from the present, hurtling through the corridors of time.

The Mechanical Maiden had finally achieved her dream, her legacy secured by the young apprentice who had dared to follow in her footsteps. And as they journeyed through the past, present, and future, they knew that their adventures had only just begun.

Professor Ravenwood

Professor Barnabas Ravenwood descends from a venerable lineage of occultists, scholars, and collectors of arcane artifacts and lore. He was born and raised in the sprawling gothic Ravenwood Manor on the outskirts of Matlock, which has been in his family's possession for seven generations.


Scarecrow, the Spirit of Autumn


The Avenging Flame