The Neon Nightclub

Penelope was the life of the party in the 1980s, a vibrant young woman with a passion for dancing and new wave music. Every weekend, she could be found at the trendiest nightclub in town, The Neon Palace. With her bright pink hair and daring fashion sense, Penelope stood out in the crowd, and her infectious energy drew people to her like moths to a flame.

One Saturday night, The Neon Palace was more crowded than usual. The air was thick with the scent of hairspray and cigarette smoke, and the dance floor pulsated with the beats of the latest hits. Penelope arrived fashionably late, dressed in a shimmering pink dress that hugged her curves and caught the flashing lights of the dance floor.

As she made her way through the throng of dancers, Penelope spotted her best friend, Tina, waving to her from the bar. The two girls hugged and laughed, excited for another night of dancing and fun. They ordered their favorite cocktails, electric blue for Tina and hot pink for Penelope, and hit the dance floor.

The DJ was spinning all of Penelope's favorite songs, and she lost herself in the music, her body moving in perfect sync with the beat. She danced for hours, taking breaks only to sip her drink and chat with Tina and the other regulars at the club.

As the night wore on, the energy in the club reached a fever pitch. The dance floor was packed, and the air was electric with excitement. Penelope was in her element, her pink hair whipping around her face as she spun and twirled.

And then, tragedy struck.

A fight broke out at the bar, and in the chaos, someone knocked over a candle. The flame caught the edge of a curtain, and within seconds, the entire club was engulfed in flames. Panic ensued as people rushed for the exits, pushing and shoving in a desperate attempt to escape the inferno.

Penelope and Tina were separated in the confusion, and Penelope found herself trapped in a corner of the club, surrounded by flames. She screamed for help, but her voice was drowned out by the roar of the fire and the shouts of the other clubgoers.

As the smoke filled her lungs and the heat seared her skin, Penelope closed her eyes and thought of all the happy times she had spent at The Neon Palace. She remembered the laughter, the music, and the joy of dancing with her friends. In her final moments, she held onto those memories, letting them comfort her as the flames consumed her.

When the fire was finally extinguished, the once-vibrant nightclub was reduced to a blackened shell. The bodies of those who had perished were found among the debris, including Penelope's. Her bright pink dress was charred and tattered, but her face was peaceful, as though she had found solace in her final moments.

The Neon Palace was never rebuilt, and the tragic fire became a dark chapter in the city's history. But some say that on certain nights, when the moon is full and the air is still, you can still hear the faint echoes of music coming from the ruins of the club.

And if you look closely, you might see a glowing pink figure dancing among the shadows, her movements fluid and graceful. It is said to be the ghost of Penelope, forever trapped in the era she loved so dearly, dancing to the ghostly echoes of her favorite new wave tunes.

People began to call her Pinkie Plasma, a name that captured both her vibrant pink glow and her ethereal, otherworldly presence. Some were frightened by the sight of her, believing her to be a vengeful spirit haunting the ruins of the club. But others saw her as a tragic figure, a young woman whose life was cut short in a terrible accident, forever seeking the joy and freedom she had found on the dance floor.

As the years passed, the legend of Pinkie Plasma grew. People would dare each other to spend the night in the ruins of The Neon Palace, hoping to catch a glimpse of the glowing pink ghost. Some even claimed to have seen her up close, her face filled with a mixture of sorrow and joy as she danced to the silent music only she could hear.

Despite the passage of time, Pinkie Plasma's presence remains a constant in the city's folklore. She has become a symbol of the wild, carefree spirit of the 1980s, a reminder of a time when the world seemed full of endless possibilities and the future was bright.

And so, on certain nights, when the moon is full and the air is still, the people of the city gather at the ruins of The Neon Palace. They light candles and play the old songs that Penelope loved, hoping to catch a glimpse of Pinkie Plasma dancing among the shadows.

For they know that as long as her spirit lives on, the memory of those wild, wonderful nights at The Neon Palace will never fade. Pinkie Plasma will continue to dance, a glowing pink beacon of joy and freedom, forever young and forever lost in the music of a bygone era.

Some say that if you listen closely, you can hear her laughter on the wind, a faint echo of the happiness she once knew. And if you're lucky, you might even catch a glimpse of her yourself, a shimmering pink figure twirling and leaping among the ruins, her face alight with the pure, unbridled joy of the dance.

So if you find yourself near the ruins of The Neon Palace on a moonlit night, take a moment to listen for the music. And if you see a glowing pink figure dancing in the shadows, don't be afraid. It's just Pinkie Plasma, lost in the eternal dance of her beloved 1980s, forever young and forever free.

Professor Ravenwood

Professor Barnabas Ravenwood descends from a venerable lineage of occultists, scholars, and collectors of arcane artifacts and lore. He was born and raised in the sprawling gothic Ravenwood Manor on the outskirts of Matlock, which has been in his family's possession for seven generations.


The Haunting Reminder


The Forge of Souls