Skye's Twilight Sanctum

Perched dramatically above churning ocean surf, the rocky outcropping simply dubbed Widow's Overlook by unnerved locals remained off limits - the forlorn site where twenty years prior, anguished Skye Maddox had met her fate in one heartrending leap.

Though numerous thrill-seekers vaulted warning fences to steal glances downward, injuries somehow recurred if the cliffs themselves guarded against intruders to Skye's self-appointed memorial. For her restless spirit was said to haunt all who disturbed this abandoned precipice.

Even before death sealed her own self-exile, Skye kept apart from nearby bustling harbor towns that dotted the misty coves. Parentless and withdrawn, she found solace only on horseback racing across windswept fields faster than spectral pursuits real or imagined. The academy grooms granted Skye favored access as their most gifted student over obstacles. But fate course-corrected cruelly...

Following the accidental destruction of her beloved mare Midnight that orphaned Skye anew, she plunged into a morass of guilt and gloom at circumstances beyond control. Skye became convinced life’s callous agenda would ensure only deepening misfortune lay ahead should she persist trying to navigate its unfair gutters and pinnacles. The sheer cliffs called her instead - promising liberation from confinement only if she herself proved bold enough to meet their challenge. No one realized the reckless depth of Skye's designs those final days...

The morning she vanished without goodbye, Skye's sister uncovered an anguished note with passage circled from some forgotten epic poem rather than family-aimed farewell on the bedroom desk where she had neatly laid out faded riding silks like funeral vestments. Skye wrote she finally grasped her sole means seizing fate's reins after failed prior attempts...veiled indications pointing to the storied outlook nearby mariners called The Widow’s Peak.

As solemn anniversary vigils on the overlook continue decades later, strange tales spread of a willowy red-haired woman glimpsed gazing forlornly out at thundering surf through the fog's diaphanous veil. Attempts calling gently out receive no response...she never turns from the roiling infinity of slate and silver now fence-lined to deter further falls. Some who lean too near these perimeter guard rails describe a startling forward push from invisible hands just before losing balance, spared humiliation by whatever restless presence yet guards these lonely heights.

Others recount oddly angled shadows against twilit skies taking vaguely human shape only to seemingly dive and dissipate into swells and spindrift moments later. And veteran coastguards familiar with grim statistics of those attracted to abyssal ledges share hushed accounts over midnight flotsam recoveries...of faces serene with final regrets met, garments from earlier eras, notes written but unsent in vain. Where the broken come to embrace eternal limits testing mortal foibles.

Most eerie are still haunted testaments from teenage thrillseekers that one particular crag and cave along this forbidden half-mile attracts uncanniest sensations as darkness fully spectral arms enfolding the wary or long-lost lullabies half-remembered from childhood dreams. All who wander near this anomalous overlook return indelibly changed even as most locals make warding signs refusing to even acknowledge locations by name where penitents are perhaps drawn needing what only wraiths might yet provide.

For whatever tragedy or malady drove Skye Maddox to forsake earthly bonds two decades past, her tormented spirit appears fated still keeping ceaseless vigil high over ocean's depths that called so fatefully bright. Vigil and perhaps sentry role alike against futile fates which unwittingly court darker outcomes where salt-wind sentinels stand guard over timeless cycles that reclaim ALL in due course. Not all boundaries should be tested, for destiny makes its ruling without court of local legends warn those would idly trespass along widow's acre where lingers she who leapt but somehow never met oblivion's release. What mysteries yet captivate restless shades chained to our plane? None but they may ever grasp life's cruelest riddle.

Professor Ravenwood

Professor Barnabas Ravenwood descends from a venerable lineage of occultists, scholars, and collectors of arcane artifacts and lore. He was born and raised in the sprawling gothic Ravenwood Manor on the outskirts of Matlock, which has been in his family's possession for seven generations.


Eve's Incomplete Passage


Locke Attwood - Grove Guardian Bound by Blood