Matlock Ghost Emporium

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Spellbound Sacrifice

When the War Office discreetly established its covert Occult Intelligence Division in 1939 intending deployment of Britain’s most formidable mystical assets against destructive Axis forces, the prime candidates hailed from hermetic traditions far beyond military bureaucracy’s imagination. Amongst the first wave of enlisted mages, runic scholars, mediums, and ritualists stood Tobias Drake - a prodigiously skilled summoner and planar manipulator descended from centuries of Yorkshire occult dynasty though only 27 years seasoned himself.

Beneath slate Peak District skies since youth Tobias silently mastered telestic crafts passed down through his bloodline meant explicitly nurturing harmony between mortal and spirit realms, not profaning such cosmic laws waging reality-wounding warfare. But witnessing Hitler’s forces remorselessly overrunning Poland and beyond with blitzkrieg fury left zero illusions conquest of Britain spelled humanity’s certain doom should conventional corps alone repel Reich black magic divisions and advanced V-weapons depravities brewing. This deeper struggle demanded magi ready meeting barbarism with philosophy’s sharper fight a demon one must employ firmer demons still.

Lieutenant Drake quickly affirmed the Diviners’ wisdom summoning him to harness formidable powers against Axis victory. On remote winter solstice nights whilst riflemen braced Allies’ desperate terrestrial lines, Tobias compelled circle’s ancient告essences into revealing Nazi infernal machinations or garbling flight telemetry from territorially impaired bombers payloads meant raining down Peak villages. Each meticulous ritual manifested visible attacking squadrons dissipating impossibly against sheer cliffsides like stormwrack vapors despite gorgeously empty fuselages breaching British skies only heartbeats prior.

But fateful Samhain 1942 upon capturing detailed intelligence of advancing human experiments the Thule Society scientists conducted under SS auspices, Lieutenant Drake’s outrage overwhelmed precise protocols maintaining fragile balance with forces he routinely called upon combatting Reich atrocities thus far. Incensed by such unfolding depravities against helpless civilians, Tobias deployed an incendiary incantation meant enveloping occult research sites in banefire conflagrations visible from Berlin itself. Such emotional volatility proved catastrophe.

The towering inferno raged uncontainably as familiars warned Tobias of his wavering psyche breaching long-sworn covenants. Through the circling pandemonium, Lieutenant Drake glimpsed ley lines warping violently underneath wrathful duress everywhere his mind’s eye pierced the magical infrastructure. Millions lay endangered should this catastrophe spread further on its current trajectory - catastrophe born of momentary fury against horrors far eclipsing lesser man’s comprehension...the Allies procedures questioned in aftermath could later determine.

With no options left correcting momentum against Hitler’s emboldened cabals, Tobias focused his fragmenting sentience wholly through the contra-astral vortex aperture opened so haphazardly. Grasping one chance preventing Dantean retributions striking entire towns should this reversal spell collapse further, he opted self-annihilating exorcism. Only soul-obliterating forces could stave off the detonating realities threatening all England as consequence of dire lapse losing impartiality against the efficient face of ever rising evil. Drake’s last whispered incantations as malevolent distortion swirled dragging his earthly form toward nullity extinguished the swelling occult wildfire in mere heartbeats - though at irrevocable personal cost to acolyte breaching psibonds sworn since first staff granted. What remained of Tobias thereafter lay scarcely identifiable seared piles scattered cross trilithon runes by dawn’s pallid emergence from the void.

In months thereafter, Tobias Drake’s remains received anonymous ceremonial military burial near that scorched site of his own unintended undoing whilst honoring selfless heroism averting disaster against incalculable odds. His commanding officer himself laid upon the coffin lid fair oaken leaf wreath hand-gathered from the nearest Abbot’s Hollow - forever honouring righteous sacrifice once more proving nature’s ultimate enterprise placed upon mortal souls facing crystalline horrors emerging from sinister recesses.

Now odd tales spread round local Derbyshire firesides 80 years later telling visitors to avoid ornate stone rings glimpsed amongst craggy overlooks on certain howling nights. Perhaps mere optical phenomena incited by atmospheric conditions...though a few sensitive mediums swear sensing sacrificial echoes still permeating the ancient site where Tobias Drake glimpsed infinity’s sheer edge and found humanity’s fingerhold still worth every beyond fathomed. Some choose facing fear for mankind’s very soul - not all heroes emerge unscathed.