The Ravenwood Diaries

Beyond dust-laden pages lay centuries of mystery unlocked through Professor Ravenwood's family ancestral diaries! Their leather-bound tomes of arcane allure chronicle generations of paranormal investigations, alchemic arts, and phantasmic encounters from across the veil bridging mortal curiosity with forces ethereal.

Join this portal into the past unfolding celebrated and tragic histories of the Ravenwood lineage equally - from their arrival crafting haunted artifacts to ghostly pacts best left undisturbed. Now revealed fully to ignite Gothic imagination against the modern disenchanted world! These unearthed revelations resurrect romance and riddles no crypt may keep buried forever once the catacombs' seals stand breached! Light your torch and step through fateful eras by lantern glow...

Josephine - 15 August, 1878
Josephine Ravenwood Josephine Ravenwood

Josephine - 15 August, 1878

After weeks of unsettling whispers trickling back to Ravenwood Manor regarding some monstrous water serpent terrorizing the eastern banks of Tittesworth Reservoir, I could no longer ignore the mounting evidence that a genuine aquatic anomaly may be afoot.

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Barnabas - 1 November 2018
Professor Ravenwood Professor Ravenwood

Barnabas - 1 November 2018

Tonight’s vivid series of ghostly activities beneath the blood moon have left my nerves quite unsettled even after decades of peculiar phenomena investigations.

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