The Gentle Touch

Amidst the chaos and despair of the Spanish Flu pandemic in 1918, Tracey Nightingale stood as a beacon of hope and compassion. As a young nurse at St. Mary's Hospital in London, she dedicated every waking moment to caring for the sick and dying, offering comfort and solace in their darkest hours.

Tracey's gentle touch and soothing words became legendary among the patients and staff alike. She had a unique ability to calm even the most distressed souls, her presence alone bringing a sense of peace to those in pain. Despite the long, grueling shifts and the constant risk of infection, Tracey never wavered in her commitment to her patients.

As the pandemic raged on, the hospital became increasingly overwhelmed. Beds lined the corridors, and the morgue overflowed with the bodies of those who had succumbed to the virus. Tracey worked tirelessly, moving from one patient to the next, offering what little comfort she could in their final moments.

One particularly stormy night, a young soldier was brought into the hospital, his body wracked with fever and his lungs struggling for air. Tracey sat by his bedside, holding his hand and whispering words of encouragement. She stayed with him throughout the night, even as his condition worsened, and he slipped closer to death.

As dawn broke, the soldier took his last breath, his hand still clasped in Tracey's. She felt a profound sense of loss, but also a strange sense of peace, knowing that she had been there for him in his final moments. It was a feeling that would stay with her in the days to come, as she continued to care for the sick and dying.

Despite her best efforts, Tracey could not escape the virus herself. One day, she woke up with a high fever and a cough that rattled her lungs. She knew immediately that she had contracted the Spanish Flu, but she refused to let it stop her from caring for her patients.

For days, Tracey continued to work, even as her own health deteriorated. Her colleagues begged her to rest, but she insisted on being there for those who needed her. It wasn't until she collapsed during her rounds that she was finally forced to admit defeat.

Tracey was moved to a private room, where she lay in a fevered haze, her body fighting a losing battle against the virus. As she drifted in and out of consciousness, she could hear the sounds of the hospital around her - the cries of the sick, the whispered prayers of the dying.

In her final moments, Tracey's thoughts turned to her patients. She wished she could be there for them, to offer them the comfort and solace they so desperately needed. As she took her last breath, a sense of peace washed over her, knowing that she had given everything she had to help others.

But Tracey's story did not end there. In the years that followed, strange occurrences began to happen at St. Mary's Hospital. Patients would report feeling a gentle touch on their forehead or hearing a soothing voice whispering words of comfort, even when no one else was around. Some claimed to have seen a ghostly figure in a nurse's uniform wandering the halls, her presence bringing a sense of calm to those in need.

At first, the hospital staff dismissed these reports as the fevered imaginings of the sick. But as more and more patients began to speak of the ghostly nurse, they could no longer ignore the strange phenomena. Some even claimed to have seen Tracey herself, her translucent form gliding through the wards, her gentle touch bringing relief to those in pain.

As the years passed, Tracey's legend grew. Patients would come to St. Mary's Hospital seeking not only medical treatment but also the comfort and solace of the ghostly nurse. Many claimed that her presence had helped them through their darkest hours, giving them the strength to fight on.

Even as the hospital underwent renovations and modernization, Tracey's spirit remained a constant presence. Nurses would report feeling a sudden chill in the air or catching a glimpse of a figure in the corner of their eye, only to turn and find nothing there. Some even claimed to have heard Tracey's voice, whispering words of encouragement when they were at their lowest point.

For those who knew Tracey's story, her presence was a reminder of the power of compassion and the enduring impact of a life lived in service to others. Her legacy lived on, not only in the ghostly manifestations but in the countless lives she had touched during her time as a nurse.

As the world continued to change and evolve, Tracey's spirit remained a constant presence at St. Mary's Hospital. She had become a symbol of hope and comfort, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there was always someone there to offer a gentle touch and a soothing word.

And so, Tracey's story became a legend, passed down from generation to generation of nurses and patients alike. Her ghostly presence became a source of comfort and inspiration, a reminder that the power of compassion could transcend even the boundaries of life and death.

For those who encountered Tracey's spirit, there was no fear or apprehension, only a sense of peace and gratitude. They knew that they were in the presence of someone special, someone who had dedicated their life to helping others and whose legacy would live on forever.

And so, Tracey's gentle touch continued to be felt, long after her mortal life had ended. She had become a part of the fabric of St. Mary's Hospital, a guardian angel watching over those in need, offering comfort and solace to all who crossed her path. Her spirit lived on, a testament to the enduring power of love and compassion in a world that so often seemed filled with darkness and despair.

Professor Ravenwood

Professor Barnabas Ravenwood descends from a venerable lineage of occultists, scholars, and collectors of arcane artifacts and lore. He was born and raised in the sprawling gothic Ravenwood Manor on the outskirts of Matlock, which has been in his family's possession for seven generations.


The Spring Season


The Haunting of Shining Cliff Woods